2019 sponsorships header

The LAAIA Broward hosts monthly meetings in Broward with average attendance between 75 to 100 agents and agencies representatives. Annual sponsorships include attendance at up to 10 monthly meetings per 12 month period plus all the exciting benefits below.

Sponsorships will not be rolled over unless LAAIA Broward fails to host at least 6 meetings.

Sponsorship Benefits

Benefit $500 $1,000 $1.500 $2,500 $5,000
I Annual membership X  X  X X X
2 Annual memberships     X X X
3 Monthly Meeting passes (bar, beer/wine, and dinner included)    X      
6 Monthly Meeting passes (bar, beer/wine, and dinner included)     X    
10 Monthly Meeting passes (bar, beer/wine, and dinner included)       X X
Logo on our website listed as a Sponsor/Partner X X  X X X
1 Monthly Meeting as our Partner Sponsor*       X X
Attendee's contact info from Monthly Meeting       X X
Tee Sign for our Yearly Charity Golf Event (Always sells out!)        X X
Logo recognition at our Board Installation event  X  X  X X X
Plaque  X  X  X  X X
Paid registration to attend Legislative Fly-in**       X X
Airfare and Hotel for our Legislative Fly-in to Tallahassee***         X
Logo on Affiliate Member Directory  X X X X X

 *(See meeting Sponsor description)
**(Includes Luncheon at Governor's Club with guest speaker)
***(Airfare up to $500, hotel room does not include incidentals)

Monthly Dinner Meeting Sponsorship

Our sponsorship consists of:

  • Company logo included in all email invitations sent out to Association's database
  • Logo and verbal recognition at dinner meeting
  • Choice of:
    • 5 minute speaking time to address attendees or
    • Speaker at Dinner Meeting. As speaker, you will have 30 minutes for a presentation about topic previously agreed with Association
  • Company logo included in all Thank You messages going out to all meeting attendees
  • Social Media Recognition as dinner meeting sponsor

Sponsorship Investment: $1,500

become a sponsor now